All eyes were on the Marine Outfitters booth at the Chattanooga Convention Center last weekend, and jaws were dropping as attendees stepped foot in the array of Malibu and Axis product on display—especially the all-new 2018 Malibu 21 MLX & 23 LSV and Axis T22. The booth felt more like a family reunion than a boat show, with return customers and familiar faces stopping by the say hello and hang out with the Marine Outfitters crew.
Tommy and Joyce Curtis opened Marine Outfitters over 25 years ago, and they have been happily serving that Chattanooga, Tenn. area ever since. Their dedication to customer service has been their driving factor, and it does not go unnoticed when you see the amount of love and devotion they give the product, their customers and their staff. The celebratory cupcakes and cakes were in abundance, and the smiles on everyone’s face grew wider over the course of the weekend.
While all of the celebrations have come to an end, it’s evident that the Marine Outfitters team will continue to deliver a quality product and exceptional customer service to Chattanooga residents.