Introducing the Adaptive Community to Watersports
Malibu Boats Partners with Brave the Wave
Malibu Boats was proud to partner with Brave the Wave all summer on their Adaptive Wakesurf Tour that brought together the adaptive community through wakesurfing. This summer, we were able to have 3 incredible stops throughout the U.S. and share the love of wakesurfing with the amazing adaptive community. There’s no greater joy than for Malibu to be able to spread our passion and excitement for watersports to even more people and it was a pleasure to get to partner with Brave the Wave for another year.

"We are doing so much more than just teaching wakesurfing at Brave the Wave, we are providing a fresh new mindset to each rider that the human body is capable of accomplishing more than we can ever think possible!” – Lexi Youngberg, Brave the Wave Founder.

Courage was displayed by all surfers and it was an honor for Malibu Boats to join this community out on the water.

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