2017 Recap
The Malibu Open
The best 3 event skiers descended upon trophy lakes in August of 2017 to battle it out behind the all new Malibu Response TXi. Check out the 2017 Malibu Open recap here!
WatchGet excited for the 2018 Malibu Open coming to Trophy Lakes, South Carolina this August 17 - 18. Trophy Lake is truly a community united by the love of water-sports. The best skiers will come to South Carolina to battle it out behind the 10-time world record setting Malibu Response TXi.
This competitive water ski tournament will consist of pros from around the world bringing their all to compete in slalom, trick, and jump divisions. Slalom Skiing involves a multi-buoy course that the skier must go around to complete a pass. Each time a pass is completed, the skier’s rope is shortened, and the winner is determined based on the skier’s rope length, the boat speed, and the number of buoys cleared.
The trick competition is one that you will not want to miss! It has been known to be the most technical division where skiers are given two 20-second runs during which they perform a series of their chosen tricks. One pass is for hand tricks such as flips, rotations over the wake, etc. and the second pass is for toe tricks where the foot is attached to the handle and skiers will been seeing doing wake turns and rotations via control of their foot.
The third division is none other than the crowd favorite, jump. Skiers use two long skis to hit the ramp, find their wings, and attempt to travel the longest distance. Skiers are given three attempts to hit the ramp and the winner is determined solely off distance.
This is a waterski competition that you will not want to miss. For more information about the event or waterski competitions in general, please visit Malibu Open.